Estate and Trust Tax Accounting
We have filed over 500 trust returns - in nearly every type of trust
As families plan to pass wealth down between generations, it brings up a number of tax issues that might go beyond a typical CPA or small firm. We recommend working with a trust attorney to set up a trust, but our firm can handle the tax needs from there. Our firm files over 50 trust tax returns annually. We deal with the following types of trusts and tax returns :
Generation-Skipping Trusts (GST)
Grantor trusts
Bypass trusts
Form 1041 - Income tax return for estates and trusts
Form 709 - Gift tax return
Having a competent partner to advise on tax strategy and keep things organized can help you manage through the transfer of wealth with confidence and reduce the headaches that can come with the process. Feel free to reach out to see how our team can help you manage your trust more effectively.
Contact us for a free quote or consultation today.
Contact Info
Working Hours
9 am-5 pm weekdays.
24/7 during tax season.